How To Gather Weapons Against Fake Foreign Recruitment Agencies
Working abroad is one of the ultimate dreams of many people these days. That is why numerous individuals easily get disarmed by the emergence of foreign recruitment agencies. However, there are some false agencies which take advantage of job applicants to earn easy money from them.
If you are one of the numerous people who want to work abroad, here are some ways which can help you avoid getting fooled by fake foreign recruitment agencies:
Look For Lists of Registered Foreign Recruitment Agencies – Verify if your target agency is registered with the employment administration. Consider applying only to licensed or accredited foreign recruitment agencies.
Be Careful In Dealing With ‘Agents’ – Before you deal with any person, make sure he is a certified representative of the agency. Furthermore, do not carry out business outside the agency’s registered address.
Ask For References – It is important to verify if your prospective agency has really given jobs to past job applicants. It will be of help too if you ask how long the recruitment agency has been running in business. It would be better to turn to a long-running agency, because being well-established can add up to an agency’s credibility.
Be Cautious of Large Placement Fees – Verify with the government regulations about placement fees. Do not pay if the fee exceeds the legal amount. Moreover, make sure you get an authenticate contract with a receipt before paying.
Do Not Send Your Payment To An Unverified Person or Body – There are some advertisements which oblige you to reply to an unidentified address such as a Post Office Box. Never get persuaded by such ads.
Do Not Carry Out Arrangements With Fixers – You may want to get everything processed easily, and fixers will offer to do it for you. Do not get enticed, for it is more important to bear in mind that fixers do illegal actions which will possibly get you into trouble.
Document All Transactions – Make sure to keep copies of all your transactions and necessary contact information. This might be needed in case of future problems.
Foreign recruitment agencies play a very big role in most people’s lives nowadays, particularly those who are seeking jobs abroad. Remembering these tips can save the jobseekers from getting deceived by fake foreign recruitment agencies and agents, whose only aim is to take advantage of people who are eager to work abroad.